Monday, January 4, 2010

85 years

My grandparents are my favorite people in this world. Anybody who knows me in the slightest knows that when I come home I spend more time with Charlie and Dana Deitz than any of my friends; they are brilliant in every way. Tonight, we celebrated Charlie's 85th birthday. Part of his gift required us to go through piles and piles of pictures. Here are some of the best items we came across
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Happy Christmas. have fun.
warm your own chestnuts, cook your own books. In case you were wondering what the first picture said

images from the
best ad campaign, gap holiday 2008

Sunday, December 20, 2009

if I were a guy I would become a sailor; I would become a deck hand and just drift out to sea. Off the map, floating away. I just view it as potentially poetic situation. Thats what I want to do, just disappear for a while, become a neo-luddite and communicate with people via postal mail. I am not interested in becoming an expatriate or never talking to people again, but just have a few years just me and a suitcase. (I realize how ironic it is that I am blogging about this. I aknowledge I am turning myself into a hypocritical aspiring-neo-luddite.)
I had a conversation about Jimmi Hendrix tonight, and think that you (my audience of 7) should enjoy him.

"...danger has become so rare in modern life."
-Oscar Wilde

Saturday, December 12, 2009

yes please and thank you.

Two Fresh. Know them, love them.
flash forward to 1:25.....or you should just watch the entirety of it

totally saw them last night. jealousy is overcoming you. I am sorry, they made a song about pina coladas sound like something i would like to listen to on repeat. that has to be indicative of greatness, I actually think it is.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

And it is time to move on.

Fayetteville, AR: A Place of Many Shocking Things.
If you are one of the privileged that reside in Fayetteville, then these will not phase you, as we have all come to the realization that we go to school with some of the world's oddest creatures. Here are some things that have recently taken place that I feel like I need to share:
1. I saw a guy pop a wheelie on his motorized vehicle. This would have been extremely less annoying if his motorized vehicle was not a low-powered moped, he was not in all polo gear, and he was not driving in circles around his frat house.
2. Someone told me they liked my hair. I responded with a polite, "thank you." To which they responded, "don't thank me thank God," and walked away as if I were extremely ungrateful to God.
3. The bank next to my house got held up the other day? Is this 1922? Who even holds up banks anymore? Is the money not all on computers? Did you think that would work out for you? The questions could keep coming and I could continue to make fun of those old school robbers for a few hours, but I am sure that you see the point.
4. This 40-year-old in my drawing class has nicknames for everyone and brings the teacher coffee every day.
5. As I was walking through the music building the other morning (by "the other morning" I mean that it was around halloween) and there was a large box in the middle of the hallway. A girl sitting in a chair says, "heeeyyyy yyooouu." Then, another girl (you could refer to her as girl #1's ToTaLLy AwESoMe partner in crime) jumps out of the box in attempts to scare me. If failed as she didn't come out of the box as smoothly as she probably hoped. I laughed in her face, not in a "hey that was a really good attempt! bahaha! what if i had fallen for that?!?!" kind of way, but in a you-are-an-idiot kind of way. I hope that wasn't rude. Well I don't care, we are not on the film set of "Jackass," let me walk to class in peace.

Oh, Fayetteville. I will miss you, but I need to get out of here.

Monday, November 23, 2009

"I'm not a dark person and I don't consider myself dark."

I love him and cannot wait until 3.5.1o when Alice in Wonderland comes to theaters.
Until then I will have to wish I was in NY so I could go to the MoMA and obsess over his retrospective.
The website is great, you should check it out.

"I`ve always loved the idea of fairy tales, but somehow I never managed to completely connect with them. What interests me is taking those classic images and themes and trying to contemporize them a bit. I believe folk tales and fairy tales have some sort of psychological foundation that makes that possible."